Taking Stock

The late Christopher Hitchens once said described his impending death as “more and more taken from less and less”.  That is very much how I feel when I think of the years ahead.

Life was hard enough when I had more time ahead then behind me.  Now, I struggle furiously just to hold on to what I have. Not just the time I have, but the people I have in my life.  The people who care.

Having a large number of children, I thought that I would grow up well surrounded. But it didn’t turn out that way.  I spend most of my days alone or ignored.  Not that I would ever want my kids to feel like they have to hang out with me if they don’t want to or if they have better options.  I want them to be happy with or without me.  But I do wish they were interested in me. Even from a distance.

I would prefer to get an email from one of my children that denotes some interest than a visit from a child who would rather be somewhere else.  But the reality is that even if the generation gap could be filled, my kids and I do not share many interests.  That is perhaps what friends are for.  But true friends are nearly impossible to get at my age.

I have come to believe that a friend that has not “grown” with you can never truly care about you. And since my growing years are far behind me, I don’t think that a close friendship is possible for me anymore.

A true friend could also be someone with whom you once shared a life altering or emotionally charged experience. But  I don’t have people like that in my life anymore. It was too long ago. Most would barely remember me, let alone care what we shared 35+ years ago.

I would seriously question those who would take a sudden interest in me.  I would suspect that they either have ulterior motives or that I am being used to fill a temporary void in their more stable relationships.

And yet, there must be others like me out there…. or are there?

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